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Mouthwash is a pH-balanced liquid; you rinse your mouth to remove bacteria and other germs. It’s often used after brushing the teeth to help remove plaque that might still be lingering on the teeth.

What is the use of mouthwash?

If you do not have time for brushing and flossing, it’s always a good idea to rinse with mouthwash after meals, especially if you’ve eaten something acidic or spicy that can cause tooth decay or gum disease.

How does mouthwash work?

Mouthwash contains hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine gluconate,  zinc chloride, and sodium fluoride.

The zinc chloride reduces the formation of calculus in the mouth, while the hydrogen peroxide helps to keep the teeth white by removing stains from leftover food particles.

Chlorhexidine gluconate and sodium fluoride kill bacteria that cause bad breath, gingivitis, and plaque buildup on the teeth.